You can’t out train a bad diet.

We have all heard it before, you cant out train a bad diet. So essentially this means you can’t go and eat a box of doughnuts covered in icing dipped in cream, work out for an hour a day and then wonder why the scale isn’t moving.

When you think of weight loss what comes to your head first? probably food right, then what else comes to your head?(apart from utter misery) it’ probably exercise/fitness right? so if you think about it in that order then does that not tell you something? Food first and then fitness!

We often get so caught up in the concept of well I have to walk 5km every day to lose weight or i have to go to the gym 6 times a week or i’m never going to lose weight that we often forget that FOOD is actually the most important element of reaching our weight loss goals.

I follow the mind set of 80/20 you know the one, everyone blahs on about it all the time. What it means is it is 80% nutrition and 20% fitness. You can’t expect to see results if you aren’t fueling your body with the right fuel. it would be like putting diesel in a petrol car… it’s not going to get very far and probably eventually blow up.

What i’m getting at here is make sure you have your eating in check before you try and start a new fitness regime. Now i’m not saying that fitness is bad and that there are no benefits to it, but if your main goal is fat loss/ weight loss then you need to get the right fuel first.

XOXO Hayley

The right head space – well as close as i’ll get

Weight loss is an emotional battle in your head everyday, let me tell you i’ve cried about it, laughed about, gotten angry about it you name it i’ve felt it. But i am learning. I am learning that you are in control of what goes through your mind on a daily basis.

A flower can not grow in an environment that is not set up for it correctly, and you can not expect to change/grow in an environment that is not set up correctly for you. If you create an environment in your mind that is full of self doubt, fear, stubbornness etc then you will not blossom and you will stay as you are.

Weight loss is very much a mind set, a mind set that is very hard to get your head around. If you tell your self every day that you can’t make better choices, can’t make it to the gym because you will be to tired or have to have that sweet treat after dinner, then chances are that is exactly what will happen. However, if you wake up every day and tell yourself you can make better choices or you don’t need that sweet treat after dinner chances are YOU WONT.

Start to learn to set yourself up for success instead of setting yourself up for  failure. You are stronger than your excuses, you are in control of your own thoughts, you are your own boss!!

My challenge to you is the next time you tell yourself you cant do something, flip it and say actually yes bitch I can stand back and watch me.

You are a flower waiting to blossom.

xoxo Hayley.


I want change instantly… weight loss plateaus

We live in a society where everything can be obtained almost instantly, whether it be money, love, food, sex you name it we can get it. So it is no wonder that when we step on the scales or look in the mirror after 5 minutes of eating healthy and don’t see a 30lb difference instantly that we begin to question if it is all worth it.

We are all guilty of it, any single person that has undertaken a “weigh loss/diet” in their life has stuck to the regime for 1 week and wondered why the hell they don’t look like Jennifer Aniston yet. We are so used to getting everything we need (want) so quickly that we never take time to trust the process, hell i’m guilty of it!! We need to learn to breathe.

Did you suddenly wake up one morning and you were 190lb or 86kg with a few spare rolls where your washboard abs are supposed to be? Did you got to bed a size 10 and wake up a size 22? if you answered no to both of those questions then stop and think, if i didn’t gain it over night, i cant expect to loose it over night.

Nothing grinds my gears more than when i work out all week, eat healthy all week WITH NO CHEATING and i get on the scales and the bloody bastards haven’t moved or worse…. they have moved up. You start to question why, why is this happening to me, how, how is this happening to me when I was nothing but fucken perfect all week! This my friends is called a plateau.

Plateaus are very common through out your weight loss journey and if you don’t get them good for you (also i hate you). But if you are like me and hit a stall every month or so your body is most probably playing catch up. Remember if you’ve gone from eating 5 huge meals a day and constant snacking on shitty processed food to nothing but good fats, veges and “wholefoods” your body is probably in shock, you have to learn to trust the process.

Trusting the process is one of the most mind screwing things you can go through, as they say weight loss is a mind set. If you know you are doing everything you possibly can to achieve and reach your goals then you have to learn to wait, be patient and know that the weight will come off. You just have to breathe.

Remember it didn’t happen overnight so it wont come off over night.

xoxo Hayley.

Motivation and will power  – well the little that I have of it

Motivation and will power – even writing this post is using motivation that I am lacking on a Tuesday evening. I’ve been at work all day smashing out a months worth of bills in one day and trying not to eat the free garlic bread on the staff room table (which let me tell you takes a shit load of motivation in itself). So what is motivation and will power to me?

To me will power is going out on a Friday night and not drinking a gallon of wine like I usually do to the point where I end up on the toilet floor of the pub comfortably asleep on the toilet seat. My biggest downfall is most definitely wine lots and lots of wine and I haven’t had a drink in a reeeeeeaaallly long time,  I guess not being a fat bitch is my number one reason as to why I’m torturing myself! 

So let’s get into motivation. I joined the gym last week probably the 10th gym I’ve joined since turning 18 well not 10th but pretty close. At my brand spanking new gym they have les mills classes, now I’ve always been super reluctant to do one because who wants to be the one up the back of the room dying? Am I right or am I right! Anyway in a moment of madness I signed up for spin class….. at 6am in the morning!! So using all the motivation I had I set my alarm for 5.15am. 

My alarm is going off at this point I’m half asleep and ready to throw the fucking thing through the window (honestly I considered it), so I drag my lazy ass out of bed and get dressed half asleep may I add so I have no idea what the hell I look like. I drive myself to the gym cursing the whole way there still wondering why I’m awake at this god forsaken hour. Eventually I get to the gym and find a bike to sit on (by the way spin bike seats were made by the devil himself and they are in no way intended for comfort), it’s now 6am on the dot and the pretty Brazilian instructor who is taking the class starts cheering and “motivating” everyone to let her know how good they feel, well let me tell you miss Brazil ask me one more time how I feel and I will chuck my bottle at your smiling face. Then the music starts “let’s ride”, she shouts in her over the top happy Brazilian accent. 

6.45am the class is finished and wholly shit I feel amazing! Why did no one tell me about these classes before (well they did but as I said, dick up he back of the class). So I book spin for the rest of the week. And I go. And that my friends is motivation to me. 

Motivation and will power looks different on everyone, there is no one size fits all. Everyone does things differently. As long as you are doing something every day to improve your mind, body and soul then I’m super fucking proud of you. I want you to really remember that everyday you do something that helps you be the best version of yourself you can be I’m really really proud of you. 

Xoxo Hayley.